Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blessing Of The Wine

Blessing Of The Wine Cover
Spirits of nature, of the trees and rocks, of the animals and Earth, give us your favor and your companionship, share with us the bond of spirit and of life on Earth. Remember us and speak to us in our hearts. Give us your teachings and laughter, become one among us here tonight, Consecrate these waters. Behold the Waters of Life!

Ancestors of Long ago, be with us, give us your favor and your wisdom, share with us the bond of kinship and of life upon Earth. Remember us and speak to us in our hearts. Give us your knowledge and your blessing, become one with us here tonight; Consecrate these waters. Behold The Waters of Life!

Gods and Goddesses, be with us, give us your favor and blessings, share with us the bonding essence and our existence upon your sphere of life. Remember us and speak to us in our hearts. give us your strength and your peace, become one among us here tonight. Consecrate these waters. Behold the Waters of Life!

Further reading (free e-books):

Graham Hancock - The Message Of The Sphinx
Bernard King - Meanings Of The Runes

Labels: yule poem  qabalah essay  greyshield love  greyshield love  heaten brief  winter prayer  ahab poems  rambling meditation  driftes arraigned  occult books  ancient assyrian weapons  table terre