Tuesday, November 15, 2011

La Rede Wiccan

La Rede Wiccan Image
La Rede Wiccan es una frase que habla de la principal ley o precepto seguido por los wiccans. 'Esta frase es: Haz lo que quieras y a nadie perjudiques; la cual es debatida hasta la actualidad por su verdadera autor'ia. 'Esta ha dado origen al poema titulado de la misma forma la Rede Wicca. Muchos consideran que se trata de Doreen Valiente y otros de Lady Gwynne Thompson. En lo que se est'a seguros es que fue Doreen Valiente quien utiliz'o p'ublicamente esas palabras por primera vez en un discurso dado el 3 de octubre de 1964 en un evento auspiciado por la revista Pentagram.

La Rede Wiccan

Seguir las leyes Wicca debemos,

en perfecto amor y perfecta confianza

Vivir y dejar vivir, Justamente dar y recibir

Tres veces el circulo haz de trazar,

Para as'i a los esp'iritus malignos echar

Con cada frase que haz de cartear

El final del hechizo debe rimar

De toque gentil y suave mirar

Es mejor poco hablar y mucho escuchar

Y cuando a los Antiguos haz de invocar

Que la luz y el amor te vuelvan a guiar

Deosil va con la Luna iluminada

Cantando alegre una dulce tonada

Widdershings va con la Luna al menguar

Y escuchas los lobos a la Luna llorar

Si la Dama de Luna Nueva ha de estar

Dos veces la mano le haz de besar

Si la luna esta noche Llena se va a mostrar

Los deseos de tu coraz'on vas a encontrar

Cuando el Viento del Este ha de soplar

Las fiestas y lo nuevo haz de esperar

Del Viento del Norte te tendr'as que cuidar

Y las ventanas y puertas vas a cerrar

Cuando el Viento del Sur ha de soplar

El amor en la boca te ha de besar

Y si al Viento del Oeste sientes suspirar

En paz tu coraz'on podr'a descansar

En el caldero debes quemar

Nueve maderas que haz de nombrar

El Abedul en el fuego va a representar

Lo que la Dama en su sabidur'ia te quiera mostrar

Torres del bosque, Roble al quemar

As'i a los Dioses estas por llamar

El Serbal es el 'Arbol del poder

Haciendo la magia y la vida florecer

El Sauce que al borde del r'io ha de estar

Siempre dispuesto en el verano ayudar

El Espino se quema para purificar

Y que a la justicia a los ojos puedas mirar

Del Avellano la sabidur'ia aprender'as

Si al fuego brillante lo has de quemar

! Blanca es la flor del Manzano mirad!

Que nos trae la fruta de la fertilidad

Las Uvas crecen sobre la Vid

Que nos da el vino y la alegr'ia de vivir

Del Abeto la hoja de la inmortalidad

Que perenne al tiempo vive la bondad.

Del Sa'uco nunca quemes una rama

Ya que este es el 'Arbol de la Dama.

Cuatro Sabbats en luz y oscuridad

Cuatro principales presenciar'as

Como el viejo A~no se empieza a desvanecer

En Samhaim el nuevo A~no comienza a nacer

Cuando el tiempo de Imbolc esta por llegar

Las flores en la nieve debes mirar.

Y entonces la Rueda empieza a girar

Y los fuegos de Beltane han de brillar

Como la Rueda gire las noches de Lama

Trae la magia en el ritual de la Dama

Cuatro Sabbats de menor condici'on

Y todos marcados por el mismo sol

Cuando Yule marca la Rueda

Un tronco para Cernunnos quema

D'ia y noche de primavera en nuestro camino

Tiempo de Ostara para emprender el destino

Cuando el Sol su cenit ha de alcanzar

Es tiempo del Nogal y el Roble para luchar

Cuando el Equinoccio de oto~no esta por llegar

Tiempos duros todos van afrontar

'Arbol, arbusto y flor cuida

Y por la Se~nora ser'as bendecida

Tira una piedra en el agua y veras

Como las ondas te dir'an la verdad

Aun cuando tengas una Necesidad

A la codicia ajena no servir'as

No pierdas tiempo con el tonto juzgado

O su amigo ser'as considerado

Feliz encuentro, feliz partida

Tibio el coraz'on, brillante la mejilla

La ley del tres tendr'as presente

Tres veces mal, Tres veces bien,

Cuando la desgracia este en tu mente

Una estrella azul lleva en la frente

Siempre fiel a tu amor debes ser

Amenos que tu amor fiel deje de ser

Siete palabras la Rede satisface:

Has tu voluntad y A nadie da~nes

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Aj Drew - A Wiccan Bible
Ann Moura - Green Witchcraft

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spiritual Stairs

Spiritual Stairs Image
Originally uploaded by margr'e.

Knowing and understanding the true impermanence nature of this fleeing world,

and meditating on it,

you will become a monk in your heart.

Don't be a monk on outer,

but become one inside the deep inner.

Wear the dress of modesty and humblness,

knowing that you are not worth,

and never worth infront of the Eternal Glory.

Be conscious of your utter nakedness of your limited conditions and every weakness.

The whole earth is a monastery for you, and you are nothing but a nomad.

Living all the time at preparation to leave at any time.

With every moment passing you move more closer to your 'home'.

So prepare for the journey back 'home'.

The home of your soul's destiny.

The best attachment you can shed is your false, illusory ego.

But that path is not easy, so shed all other attachments everyday, every moments.

Chant the mantra of life, rejoice in it

Because you are given the consciousness of the Divine.

Live in the rememberance of the Real.

Rejoice that you are gifted with the soul to live.

So live fully, and love fully.

If you carry a heart, let it be pure.

Surely the pure heart shines incomparably with all its glory.

Polish it with rememberance so that His Glory you can reflect back.

If you practice dharma,

practice the dharma of Truth.

Let the Ultimate Reality be your object of dharma.

(c) MysticSaint. Singapore

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Death Song

Death Song Image
"Another item repaganized from Carmina Gadelica, the famous collection of Scots Gaelic poems, charms and prayers. A blessing on all those who have passed, especially in this last year."

You go home this night to your home of winter,

To your home of fall, of spring, of summer,

You go home this night to the Turning House,

To your pleasant rest in the House of Joy.

Rest you, rest, and away with sorrow,

Rest this night in the Mother's breast,

Rest you, rest, and away with sorrow,

Rest, O beloved, with the Mother's kiss;

In the Many-colored Land,

In the Land of the Dead,

In the Plain of Joy,

In the Land Beneath the Wave,

In the Land of Youth,

In the Land of the Living,

In the Revolving Castle, the House of Donn.

Rest in seven lights, beloved,

Rest in seven joys, beloved,

Rest in seven sleeps, beloved,

In the Grove of the Cauldron, Morrigan's Shrine.

The shade of death is on your face, beloved,

But the Cauldron of Rebirth awaits you,

The Threefold turning of your fate

When your rest has given you your peace

So rest in the calm of all calms

Rest in the wisdom of all wisdoms

Rest in the love of all loves

Rest in the Lord of Life and Death

Rest in the Lady of Life and Death

'Til the Season of Turning

'Til the Time of the Returning

'Til the Mystery of the Cauldron

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Marian Green - A Witch Alone
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Dagon
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Moon Bog

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Prayer In Search Of The Spiritual

Prayer In Search Of The Spiritual Image
Recently Newsweek has an issue (Aug. 29 - Sept. 5, 2005) focusing on the quest for Spirituality in America. The article will give some light on the hunger for spirituality in American society. Check it here.

Also check the following links from Newsweek:

> Where Do You Stand on Faith?

> Islam: A New Welcoming Spirit in the Mosque

> Kabbalah: Feeling the Spirit of Prayer

> Tibetan Buddhism: Learning to Let Go

> Roman Catholicism: 'Hail Mary' Is More Than a Football Play

> A Scholar's View: The Long and Winding Road

> A Dictionary of the Divine

The article ends beautifully with this call,

So let us say together: Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Sh'ma Yisrael. Allahu Akbar. Om.

And store up the light against the darkness.

Link www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9024914/site/newsweek

Tag: Newsweek, Spirituality [+] Please visit MysticSaint.Info For full multimedia experience and enjoy special music.


Also try this free pdf e-books:

Anonymous - The Prayers Of The Elementals
Aleister Crowley - Songs Of The Spirit

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Blessing I Should Have Been Born Kenza

Blessing I Should Have Been Born Kenza Image

Day Off: Day Trip: Chef Chauen, Morocco

Originally uploaded by shadowplay. I should have been born in other times

When no passports where needed,

When one could roam the earth freely,

When the seas were open, and the mountains also.

When the road one took, lead to unknown places,

To places where you were received by poets,

And where a cup of tea was freely given

Along with the chants of the birds.

When journeys took decades

And meeting new people took a smile.

A time when languages were easily learned

And generosity was always there.

When the kindness of the spirit,

Busy markets and carefully crafted gardens

Inspired musicians

As the passing of caravanserais.

When the road was itself the journey

And the only identification to be shown

Was your kindheartedness, patience

And hunger for knowledge.

When one could seat for hours

Talk spirituality and nonsense

Under the shade of a century old maple tree,

Instead of waiting in line for a visa.

I should have been born at other times,

Maybe my inspiration would have been real,

Just like the dust that all travelers leave on their path.

These days, there is no dust. Only carpeted airports.

- Kenza

[+] Please visit MysticSaint.Info For full multimedia experience and enjoy special music.


Also try this free pdf e-books:

Order Of The Golden Dawn - Lesser Invoking Ritual Of The Pentagram
Reformed Druids - Anthology 06 The Green Books

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kwan Yin Invocation

Kwan Yin Invocation Image
I call upon the goddess Kwan Yin,

The great Mother of Compassion and love,

She who hears and answers the cries of all our hearts;

She who carries the pearl of wisdom

And pours forth a stream of healing waters.

Oh compassionate one, please bless me with your spiritual peace

Oh Mother of Mercy, Kwan Yin.

You who hears the weeping of the world

And comforts our souls

Come to answer our prayers!

Come to soothe our pain!

Compassionate goddess, who never refuses a prayer,

We ask for peace,

For the banishment of anger, fear, and hatred,

For your love and for your compassion

To be poured upon the Earth and all of us

Oh gracious Kwan Yin,

We ask for your blessing today and every day.

With love and compassion,

Be with me now, I pray!

Oh blessed Kwan Yin

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Reformed Druids - Anthology 00 Introduction
Phil Hine - Aspects Of Evocation
Aleister Crowley - Invocation

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Song Of Proserpine While Gathering Flowers On The Plain Of Enna

Song Of Proserpine While Gathering Flowers On The Plain Of Enna Image
Sacred Goddess, Mother Earth,

Thou from whose immortal bosom












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Anonymous - 50 Of The Most Powerful Spells On The Face Of Earth
Devyn Christopher Gillette - The Sons Of Odin A Heroic Analysis Of The Volsunga Saga

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Song Of Proserpine

Song Of Proserpine Image
Sacred Goddess, Mother Earth,

Thou from whose immortal bosom

Gods and men and beasts have birth,

Leaf and blade, and bud and blossom,

Breathe thine influence most divine

On thine own child, Proserpine. If with mists of evening dew

Thou dost nourish these young flowers

Till they grow in scent and hue

Fairest children of the Hours,

Breathe thine influence most divine

On thine own child, Proserpine.


Also try this free pdf e-books:

Aleister Crowley - The Soul Of Osiris
Aleister Crowley - Songs Of The Spirit

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Magick Calling Quarters

Magick Calling Quarters Image

Quarters, watchtowers, guardians, elements, etc., are "extras" to your circle and spellwork. Once again, this is an area of great diversity for Witches.

The quarters correspond to the four elements and the four cardinal directions. (East-Air, South-Fire, West-Water, North-Earth.)

When calling the quarters, some Witches call on the powers of the elements. Others call on elementals. Some call on angels. Some on guardians.

Before calling the quarters, you need to decide: 1 - Who are you inviting and 2- What will their job be? To protect? To guard? To join in? To aid?

Make sure your wording properly reflects what you are asking of the quarters.


Hail! Guardian of the Watchtower of the (direction)

Powers of (-)

II bid thee come into my circle bright

Protect/Aid me in my magick/sacred Rite

O spirits of the (direction)

Ancient one of (element)

I call you to attend this circle

Charge this by your powers

Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the (direction)

Powers of (element)

I invoke you and call upon you

Be here now

To the (direction), I ask the element of (name) and (name of archangel/totem/deity) to be with me, to guard, guide and witness this magic. (By Christopher Penczak)

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Aleister Crowley - Magick In Theory And Practice
Anonymous - Magic And Wyrd
Aleister Crowley - Magick Without Tears

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Csicop Is On A Witch Hunt

Csicop Is On A Witch Hunt Image
User User ID Nod Rm Name / Forum Area

41 71250,2256 NAS SIG
47 72170,50 BPC 18 Joe Reichardt
48 72135,424 PNX 18 Drax
62 72750,1266 SYR SIG
74 75376,1620 CVK 18 Elad
85 76703,266 WBU 18 G-WIZ

(18,G-WIZ) hi joe.
(18,Drax) Joe Reichardt, where have I heard that name?
(18,Joe Reichardt) Several SIGs
(18,Drax) Gosh, its happening....
(18,Drax) I'm confusing reality with CIS!
(18,G-WIZ) ha!
(18,Drax) OK, so like, where's Rick?
(18,Elad) He'll be here! I hope?
(18,Drax) There he is. Hi Rick
(18,G-WIZ) is he someone?
(18,Rick) Hello. Howare You Doing?
(18,G-WIZ) ga
(18,Elad) Yes, Rick is someone.
(18,Drax) He's one of us.
(18,Drax) An alien!
(18,Rick) This feels like my obituary!
(18,Drax) It may be an obit for MJ-12, from what I hear. GA
(18,G-WIZ) why?
(18,Elad) Rick, tell Drax aboout the Forrestal Diary
(18,Elad) connection to MJ-12.ga
(18,Drax) Before you start....
(18,Drax) Joe, do you know what we're talking about? MJ-12?
(18,Joe) Yes, I read the uploads, ga
(18,Drax) OK. GA Rick.
(18,G-WIZ) ga
(18,Rick) One of the alleged documents
(18,Rick) is a briefing from Hillenkoetter in which
(18,Rick) he supposedly reefences the death of
(18,Rick) Secy of Defense Forresttal
(18,Rick) in I believe, May 1949
(18,Rick) as the reason for his
(18,Rick) replacement in that month by
(18,Rick) General Smith. I was interested by
(18,Rick) the use of such a specific date and did some
(18,Rick) research on Forrestall...Apparent;y
(18,Rick) he died in that month by jumping from the
(18,Rick) 16th floor of the Batesda Naval Hospital, However,
(18,Rick) he had resigned his duties, in March of that
(18,Rick) year prior to his hospitalization for
(18,Rick) severe depression...Eithe the Hillenkoetter
(18,Rick) refernce is a misstatement, or it is
(18,Rick) a mistake in the forgery. ga
(18,Elad) For investigative inquiry...
(18,Elad) He died on May 21-22 while on the sixteenth floor...
(18,Elad) reading Mark Van Doren's 'Anthology of World Poetry."
(18,Drax) Isn't it possible...
(18,Drax) that he was replaced by MJ-12 in May because he had....
(18,Drax) been relieved of duty in March? I'd have to....
(18,Drax) reread the document for the specific wording. GA
(18,Rick) Yes. That is a possibility...
(18,Rick) but would it be SOP to keep him on for such an important
(18,Rick) function...when he had resigned from all others? ga
(18,Drax) Depends....
(18,Drax) we don't know how often MJ-12 met....they were usually....
(18,Drax) scattered around the country, and would not name a replacement....
(18,Drax) without meeting in person. Just a possibility. GA
(18,Rick) In terms of trhe wording
(18,Rick) I think Hillenkoetter refers to the fact of his
(18,Rick) death and not his resignation as the cause for his
(18,Rick) replacement, so your thought may be correct...
(18,Rick) I don't think we have enough data at this point to
(18,Rick) reach a fina lconclusion. ga
(18,Drax) Right, but I think you've raised a very interesting point,...
(18,Drax) and its one that definitely demands some close attention. GA
(18,Joe) Given the close proximity in time to his resignation and death...
(18,Joe) We might be reading too much into the document...
(18,Joe) It is possible that the General was just being polite in mentioning..
(18,Joe) His death and ignoring his illiness...
(18,Joe) Just a thought GA
(18,Drax) I suppose. GA Rick.
(18,Rick) Indeed. And I have some Curiosity as to the causes
(18,Rick) of his Deep depresssion only aabout 20 months after
(18,Rick) the creation of MJ-12. ga
(18,Drax) Didn't it have something to do with Japan? That's the....
(18,Drax) official story, anyway. GA Elad.
(18,Drax) OK...GA Rick
(18,Rick) His biographers attribute it to his heavy workload. ga
(18,Drax) I think there was more to it than that. I've forgotten, but...
(18,Drax) someone told me something about a row between him and.....
(18,Drax) MacArthur, or something, on what to do about Japan. GA
(18,Rick) Yes. apparently he tried to turn i
(18,Rick) his resignation in January of 1949 and the President
(18,Rick) refused to accept it...only to ask for
(18,Rick) it again in MArrch. ga
(18,Drax) You know, the more I think about it....
(18,Drax) the more I would think that Truman, who was in complete...
(18,Drax) control of MJ-12, would have named his successor right away. Very....
(18,Drax) strange indeed. But on the other hand, there is the corroborating....
(18,Drax) evidence that has been turned up so far on MJ-12, such as the....
(18,Drax) Cutler to Twining memo, Willy Smith's mention as far back as 1960....
(18,Drax) of a top secret group headed by Bush, and a couple of other people....
(18,Drax) who have told me personally that MJ-12 is a real govt. entity, which....
(18,Drax) they knew about in name, but didn't attach any importance to until....
(18,Drax) this all started coming out. GA
(18,Rick) By the way, in my research I ran across
(18,Rick) an article by Vannevar Bush in the NY Times in
(18,Rick) which he talked about the recently concluded loyalty hearings
(18,Rick) on Oppenheimer...Apparently he also testified in Oppenheimer's
(18,Rick) defense as well as Menzel's...Anyway, the virtue
(18,Rick) he seems to value most in his article among government
(18,Rick) employed scientists is disctretion. ga
(18,Drax) Well, if MJ-12 is real, they certainly had a good dose of that....
(18,Drax) these guys apparently didn't even tell their wives!...
(18,Drax) Speaking of Menzel, some real definitive research on that....
(18,Drax) angle is being done, and will most likely come to fruition in....
(18,Drax) the next Saucer Smear, or the one after. Can't be more specific,...
(18,Drax) but its a goody. GA
(18,Rick) ?
(18,Drax) ga
(18,Rick) How can we subscribe to Saucer Smear? Do you have an address?
(18,Drax) Yes...write to Saucer Smear,...
(18,Drax) PO Box 1709
(18,Drax) Key West FL 33041
(18,Drax) Hello Aaron
(18,aaron) hello all ga
(18,Drax) Did you guys read my messages on the MUFON symposium?
(18,Joe) Yes
(18,Elad) Yes...They were good...
(18,aaron) yes
(18,Rick) Didn't get a chance
(18,Elad) Especially when you mention Dale B. Wedge.ga
(18,Drax) Gratuitous name-dropper that I am.
(18,Elad) And Rick Dell'Aquilla...wow!
(18,Rick) That's a long one
(18,Drax) Speaking of which, have you noticed how many Dales there are out there?....
(18,Drax) Dale Wedge, Dale Harder, Dale Goudie, Dale Kaczmarek, Dale Ledoux...
(18,Drax) sheesh! Hard to keep up with them.
(18,Elad) Dale Harder is a crystal gazing guy - like rrickk.ga
(18,Rick) And Shirleyt Maclean
(18,Drax) You ol crystal gazer, you.
(18,aaron) Are most people here interese in PSI or UFOs?
(18,Drax) All of us are, I think, Aaron. U2?
(18,aaron) Mostly in PSI. You saw the Nova show on Targ. Is there anything...
(18,aaron) beyond 'Mind Race.' which has not yet made it to book form?
(18,Drax) No, I missed that show...
(18,Drax) by "beyond", do you mean published after? I don't know, but have you...
(18,aaron) Oh, great show. Had actual interviews with the participants
(18,aaron) themselves. GA
(18,Drax) read the Skeptical Inquirer's critique of that book? And....
(18,Joe) ?
(18,Drax) Martin Gardner's comments? GA Joe.
(18,Joe) Targ.?
(18,aaron) what do they say?
(18,Drax) Russel Targ, of Stanford Research Institute.....
(18,Drax) he tested Uri Geller. Basically, CSICOP says that the....
(18,Drax) controls used in their (Targ and Puthoff's) experiments....
(18,Drax) weren't nearly as tight as they should be. They cited some good....
(18,Drax) examples of similar work, where magicians were able to fool the....
(18,Drax) scientists completely. GA
(18,aaron) true w.r.t Uri...
(18,Joe) Thanks, GA
(18,aaron) but they did other...
(18,aaron) experiments which had bery good controls
(18,Drax) Did they have a magician present? If not, I would say the results are....
(18,Drax) inconclusive. GA
(18,aaron) no mag8ician present...
(18,aaron) but the structure was such
(18,aaron) that fakery was not possible...
(18,aaron) excepting collusion of the participantsGA
(18,Rick) Do we have any lessons or other conclusions
(18,Rick) that we can draw from these phenomena or
(18,Rick) are they really just interesting for their entertainement
(18,Rick) value? ga
(18,aaron) they are imprtant to philosophy...
(18,aaron) concerning our concenpts of timeGA
(18,Drax) Aaron....
(18,Drax) about your comment that "fakery was not possible"....
(18,aaron) Yes?
(18,Drax) I'm no great lover of CSICOP, but when they make a point well,....
(18,Drax) I'm inclined to adhere to it. They have made the point well that....
(18,Drax) scientists are simply NOT PRIVVY to all the tricks a magician can use...
(18,Drax) (almost by definition, since magicians have a code of....
) secrecy) and so they CANNOT KNOW if fakery was impossible....
(18,Drax) unless they follow CSICOPs advice and have a competent....
(18,Drax) magician present at their testing. They have steadfastly refused...
(18,Drax) to do this. If fakery is indeed impossible, why not allow a....
(18,Drax) magician to be present? Nothing to lose, right? GA
(18,aaron) NoNo...
(18,aaron) because sometimes these people will...
(18,aaron) by design interrupt an experiment...
(18,aaron) with tricks of their own...
(18,aaron) thereby destroying any scientific value...
(18,aaron) the experiment ever had GA
(18,Drax) WHAT? Can you document that? I've never heard of that....
(18,Drax) happening. Rick you had a comment?
(18,aaron) CSICOP position is untenable...
(18,Rick) I saw Jus that I had seen Randi
(18,aaron) That has happened to TargGA
(18,Rick) on a recent Johnny Carson show on which
(18,Rick) her performed a Psychic surgerery on a volunteer
(18,Rick) from the audience. He made it look very real...BUT
(18,Rick) I also understand that the USSR is seriously studying these phenomena
(18,Rick) ga
(18,Drax) Yes, Ive heard that too, and the US Navy as well. GA, Joe.
(18,aaron) Ou
(18,Joe) I say the Carson show too, What is the title of his new book?..GA
(18,Rick) Don't know, but Randi
(18,Rick) ios also a member of CSICOP. ga
(18,Drax) I think its about faith healers. Aaron, did you have a comment? GA
(18,aaron) Randi picks easy targetsGA
(18,Drax) Aaron, Randi has a 10,000 challenge open to EVERY target.....
(18,aaron) True, but his criteria...
(18,Drax) there have been over 600 attempts so far, and no one has come close....
(18,aaron) are so difficult..
(18,aaron) no one could meet it...
(18,aaron) even if PSI were trueGA
(18,Drax) Have you read Flim Flam? GA
(18,aaron) no ga
(18,Drax) Please read it, then comment on Randi's criteria. GA
(18,Rick) What does he say in summary?
(18,aaron) I have heard him state them in personGA
(18,Drax) OK, I'll answer you in a second Rick...but Aaron, what do you...
(18,Drax) find difficult about his criteria? GA
(18,aaron) He will not accept..
(18,aaron) statistical data...
(18,aaron) he wants to see someonne levitateGA
(18,Drax) What's wrong with wanting to see it? Many people claim it. Do you...
(18,Drax) believe in levitation? GA
(18,aaron) nbo no ga
(18,Drax) OK. And I agree that statistical data is valid, IF the tests are....
(18,Drax) controlled. As a matter of fact,...
(18,Drax) I've written editorials on how I think CSICOP screwed up in...
(18,Drax) its evaluation of the work of Helmut Schmidt. But as far as I know....
(18,Drax) Randi never commented on that work. That was all Gardner. Rick:....
(18,Drax) "Flim Flam" is an excellent book, and shows how scientists can get...
(18,Drax) caught up in their own beliefs that ESP works. He also has done some....
(18,Drax) great work on Uri Geller, detailed in "The Magic of Uri Geller." GA
(18,Rick) I hate to say it, but
(18,aaron) certainly geller was part stage magicinaGA
(18,Rick) I see some of that same attitude in ufology. ga
(18,Drax) Yes, definitely. GA Elad.
(18,Elad) As a lawyer Rick....
(18,Elad) If I tried to get a book by Uri Geller through mail...
(18,Elad) and made him prove it...
(18,Elad) if he couldn't,,,could it be mail fraud?.......
(18,Elad) and how about other such books?
(18,Elad) ga
(18,Rick) Can you restate that...I don't understand
(18,Elad) Yeah...I know....
(18,Elad) In the enquirer and other such books...
(18,Elad) people are proclaimiing special events comingg...
(18,Elad) the space brothers of 1975....for one....
(18,Elad) and Uri Geller tells how books...
(18,Elad) and so on....
(18,Elad) What legalities aree involved in this?
(18,Rick) You mean
(18,Rick) if the predictions fail to materializew?
(18,Elad) for one yes....
(18,Elad) and if the tests fail.ga
(18,Rick) I Have a hunch there is probably some sort
(18,Rick) of discalimer in the publication
(18,Rick) somewhare disclaiming responsibility
(18,Rick) and probably sttting
(18,Rick) that these are for entertainment and
(18,Rick) not intended to foster belief in the paranormal. ga
(18,Elad) ?
(18,Drax) Yeah, but who would sue? You have to prove injury. GA, Elad.
(18,Rick) yep
(18,Rick) ga
(18,Elad) Jim...Do you still have those questions and answeres that I sent you?
(18,Drax) (My dad's a law-yuh)
(18,Drax) No, they got wiped in the crash. I wanna pick up with Aaron, here...
(18,Drax) just for a sec....
(18,Drax) And I don't mean to sound like I'm picking on you, cuz Im not...
(18,Drax) but you said Geller is "part" stage magician.....
(18,Drax) do you think that some of what he does is real? Specifically,....
(18,Drax) those performances where he is not shown to be using trickery are real? GA
(18,aaron) Wait...
(18,aaron) I mean the strange events at SRI..
(18,Elad) going beddy by....
(18,aaron) indicates that further research is needed GA
(18,Elad) night all
(18,Drax) Night, Elad. Aaron....did you know he was allowed to handle....
(18,Drax) the metal in the PK test, that he was not searched before the compass test...
(18,Drax) etc. etc.?
(18,aaron) I'm talking about the device...
(18,aaron) which measures magnetic changes...
(18,aaron) it cannot be effected by outside...
(18,aaron) changes irregardless of what
(18,aaron) Geller was carryingGA
(18,Rick) I too shall bid you goodnig
(18,Drax) night Rick....
(18,Drax) Aaron...don't you think....
(18,Drax) that a man who is not just a stage magician, but a very highly....
(18,Drax) talented and admired magician, if it is proven that he....
(18,Drax) actually used magic in some of his "ESP", would PROBABLY have used it....
(18,Drax) in all of his demonstrations? I mean, why can't there be a Uri Geller....
(18,Drax) out there who has NO experience with magic? THAT would be interesting. GA
(18,aaron) perhaps there are..
(18,aaron) its just we call them the chairman of the board...
(18,aaron) saleman of the year...
(18,aaron) investor of the yearGA
(18,Drax) Well, maybe so. There's certainly a lot of stuff out there that is....
(18,Drax) unexplained, and I think CSICOP is on a witch hunt in a lot of ways....
(18,Drax) but I think they make a good point when they say that our will to believe...
(18,Drax) in ESP is something that we have to be EXTRA careful about. GA
(18,aaron) same things happens....
(18,aaron) in so called real science...
(18,aaron) i've seen it myself in the lab GA
(18,Drax) I gotta go, but we do this every week at 8PM Eastern. See you next week?
(18,aaron) ok I'l,ll see how nmy budget is? NG GN GnGnGA
(18,Drax) thththththtats all folks.....
(18,Drax) Goodnite!


n) ok I'l,ll see how nmy budget is? NG GN GnGnGA
(18,Drax) thththththt

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Friday, July 22, 2011

The Crone

The Crone Image































Author Unknown

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Taoism Glory Of Tomorrow Poem By Andrew Hennessey

Taoism Glory Of Tomorrow Poem By Andrew Hennessey Image
this is my paradigm - more developed at


andrew- Hide quoted text -


a poem

Andrew Hennessey

I fell down a chasm to the bottom of a frequency pit

where the fallen apples rot

I am Human

Where the extinct Reptilians

undead do not die, and in the twilight the insect hives

do fence the sky with traps and snares and matrix.

Fallen blind I hear but cannot see

the tango of death

rabid alien issues

sucking the life and breath

the ebb and flow of negation

and a variation and theme uniquely mine

as the parade of artificial alien haves effortlessly

dance amongst the wooden have nots

at speeds beyond their straightjackets of perception.

There is an inner calling in the heart,

the love of Christ

and my Kingdom home.

totally life in the eternal heart

an apple never sundered from the tree of life

alive and separate from the malignant carnival

of dehumanising death

amongst the contrived dust and social charades

of the earthly draconian pit.

you have a bad day in the hatred

as it often hacks and negates the good that is you

yet if you engage the pendulum of vindication and retribution

you become a slave of the wheel of time.

if you do not turn the other cheek

if you engage

first your mind, then your spirit,

then your soul will be swept away

by the torrent of anti-human rage -

as amoral as the acid in an acid bath

it is the negation of life, of the spirit of human love

of the pattern of Christ in you.

yet if you turn the other cheek and disengage you will be

accused of being meek

but as the alien hardware that invisibly saturates

our artificially maintained demeaning primitivism

blasts out amnesia

you will probably not remember being meek

or even why you came here.

In Elysian there grows a flower

a burning love of social life

an eternity of strength and vigilance

a keeper of true civilisation

and some time we must take that walk

into the bricks and mortar desert

to renew our faith

and our pledges to our Father and His family.

Though in the shadows lurk the serpents

as they sing their songs of disease

to deaden and leaden our struggle for life

though in this geography of fabric

lurks the demon and its hungry warped

mathematical arrangements and dearly bought

gifts of enlightened death.

Though people know the ignoble lie that this death is life

and that somehow we are prisoners doing artificial time

the only life and future we can be certain of is the one above us

not the rumours of somewhere to go down a rabbit hole

in the dark galactic game of snakes and ladders,

cons and screws

and we hear the chant of death

that there is nothing new under any sun, that creative life

has ceased to flow in the veins of civilisation

a lie promoted to stupefy and confuse

anaesthetic for the fatted calf

and we hear the chant of death

that there is no soul from soul-depleted

and disconnected people

with plans to feast on yours

and we hear the chant of death that there is no

future, no life, no tomorrow, a nothing

that twists our words into more nothing.

but there is yet a stronger song, a greater hope

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning, is now, and forever shall be,

world without end, amen.




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Monday, July 18, 2011

Chant For Samhain

Chant For Samhain Image
This chant can be outdoors around a bonfire
or inside around an extra large altar candle.
Fire red, summer's dead,
Yet shall it return.
Clear and bright in the night,
Burn, fire, burn!
Dance the ring, luck to bring,
When the year's aturning.
Chant the rhyme at Hallowstime,
When the fire's burning.
Fire glow, vision show
Of the heart's desire,
When the spell's chanted well
Of the witching fire.
Dance the ring, luck to bring,
When the year's aturning.
Chant the rhyme at Hallowstime,
When the fire's burning.
Fire spark, when nights are dark,
Makes our winter's mirth.
Red leaves fall, earth takes all,
Brings them to rebirth.
Dance the ring, luck to bring,
When the year's aturning.
Chant the rhyme at Hallowstime,
When the fire's burning.
Fire fair, earth and air,
And the heaven's rain,
And blessed be, and so may we,
At Hallowstide again.
Dance the ring, luck to bring,
When the year's aturning.
Chant the rhyme at Hallowstime,
When the fire's burning.

~Doreen Valiente

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Aleister Crowley - The Litany Of Satan
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Leo Ruickbie - Halloween And Samhain

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Orphic Hym To Gaia

Orphic Hym To Gaia Image
"Oh Goddess, Source of Gods and Mortals,

All-Fertile, All-Destroying Gaia,

Mother of All, Who brings forth the bounteous fruits and flowers,

All variety, Maiden who anchors the eternal world in our own,

Immortal, Blessed, crowned with every grace,

Deep bosomed Earth, sweet plains and fields fragrant grasses in the nurturing rains, Around you fly the beauteous stars, eternal and divine,

Come, Blessed Goddess, and hear the prayers of Your children,

And make the increase of the fruits and grains your constant care,

With the fertile seasons Your handmaidens,

Draw near, and bless your supplicants."


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Monday, June 27, 2011

The Drums Of Samhain

The Drums Of Samhain Image
The drums of Samhain keeping time.
The gates of magic open wide.

A cauldron's blessings overflow.

The candle flames are dying low.

The witches dance the circle 'round
to chant and bring the power down.

Hecate will hear our call
to turn the summer into fall.

The magic veil is growing thin.

The Netherworld is near our own.

We'll see the sacred fire fed
while witches commune with the dead.

The winds of Autumn call our names.

The driving rhythm slowly calms.

The glowing embers we will tend
until the drums of Samhain end.


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Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Charm Upon Rising

A Charm Upon Rising Image
"OK, so I like writing in iambic quadrameter. I must, because I notice that I'm doing it a lot. I'm getting back to work on the Nine Moons, and noticed that while I prescribed a morning gaelic-style water-pouring, I had no text for it. Here is one, vaguely based on themes from Scots morning charms, but set firmly in rhythm and meter, as I think Druidic charms ought to be. It's ultra-simple, but that seems proper for this equally simple custom, and since it's followed by actual shrine work."A CHARM UPON RISING

"To gain the blessing of the day, take fresh water to the eastern door of your home, and pour it outside the doorstep, saying:"

Thou Shining Ones of Moon and Sun

Oh Mighty Ones who guide our way

Oh Noble Spirits, every one

Guide and ward me on this day

Let me walk in wisdom's light

By virtue, strength and love's own way

My word and deed be true and right

Keep and teach me on this day

Oh Fire and Water shine and flow

By Sun and Earth I greet the day

Take you this gift now, as I go

Along my road, my path, my way.

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Phil Hine - On Cursing

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Sunday, June 19, 2011


Mary Image
"With Faces of Scorn & with Eyes of disdain

Like foul Fiends inhabiting Marys mild Brain

She remembers no Face like the Human Divine

All Faces have Envy sweet Mary but thine

And thine is a Face of sweet Love in Despair

And thine is a Face of mild sorrow & care

And thine is a Face of wild terror & fear

That shall never be quiet till laid on its bier"

by William Blake

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Circle I Walk

The Circle I Walk Image
"I walk to the North of my sacred space; Herein all negativity be erased.

I walk to the east where the magic winds dance; Here I evoke the power of abundance.

I walk to the south where the fires burn bright;...There I shall banish, all evil, take flight!

I walk to the west, where clear waters flow; The circle's completed, blessings bestow!"

- Trish Telesco

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Aleister Crowley - The Cephaledium Working
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Whisperer In Darkness

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